WOW! I cannot believe the day has come where the vision the Lord gave me in late 2010 is now a reality. The plan, or I should say my plan, was to start this blog on January 1, 2011. However, I got sick and was not able to establish it before the weight of life took over and we were 30 days into the year. But, to God be the Glory! His time is now. My husband and I met in February of 1993, the month of love and as the Lord would have it, I am beginning this blog almost 18 years to the date of our beginning.
I am establishing this blog simply because I love my husband. Initially I thought I would honor him every day and not share it with family, friends, you and the rest of the world. But God had a different plan. Through a strong but soft whisper, the Lord let me know he did not give this to me to keep to myself. There are many, many marriages, good and bad that can use the Law of Lift (see bottom of blog to learn more). My prayer is that this movement will be that lift for your marriage; for I know it will be for mine, it already has.
Each day I will share my testimony about what I am doing or have done to honor my husband. I invite you to join me in what will be "One Year of Love." This is not to say my marriage or yours is not already filled with love, because it is. This is to say, as women, we often wait for our husband's to take the initiative, or we want him to change. My challenge to myself and to you is that this will be a year of change, starting with self. As the concept goes, as we change, the world around us also changes.
I know this will be quite the challenge.
Especially, when life does what it does best, when one commits to doing things God’s way.
Yet, I am committed to the cause, covered by the blood and prayed up for the adventure.
I recently adopted my own personal twelve commandants, and number 6 is "Be the change you want to see." That is my quest for this year. To be the change I want to see when it comes to romance, loving, giving, sharing, being, praying and so on and so on. My ultimate hope is that this movement will reach, change and impact the lives of millions of wives and marriages across the world. Please pass it along to every married, engaged person you know. The international divorce rate is staggering. If this movement changes one marriage for the better then I know my work was not in vain.
This movement will be especially challenging over the next 14 days, as I have traveled across the world to the Netherlands, while my husband is at home.
My first quest, how to have him experience me honoring him from over 3,500 miles away.
Join me on tomorrow when I share more on accomplishing this great challenge from afar.
In the meantime, be blessed, give love and always remember, if you love, honor and respect your husband in a way that matters to him, he will learn to love, honor and respect you in a way that matters to you. It is the law of reciprocity.
“Be the change you want to see.”
Be blessed and let the change begin.