Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 165 Honoring My Husband's Business Acumen

Bryan and I sit on opposite ends of the scale when it comes to how we make decisions.  I make decisions mainly from my heart and he mainly from his head.  Today we had a situation where we needed to work through a situation with a new tenant that will be moving from another state.  I had given the tenant permission to move into the apartment without having all the financials in order and Bryan was not happy with the agreement. 

He proceeded to explain to me the business reasons why I needed to approach the situation from a different perspective.  As he spoke about building a relationship with the tenant and all the other possibilities I had not considered our differences became even clearer to me.  I could literally see how I was sitting on one side of the scale and he on the exact opposite end.  He mentioned to me how I cannot make business decisions from my heart because people are not like me.  I then shared with him how I agreed with his perspective and felt that we needed to use both our head and heart when making a decision but in this particular situation he was correct.  Fortunately Bryan was able to get things straight with the tenant and protect our interest as well.  Today I honored my husband by listening to his business acumen.  He has been in the real estate business for over 20 years and although we sit on different ends of the spectrum when it comes to decisions, I recognize his success has been built on his ability to make good decisions.  Business acumen is defined as keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.  I have come to recognize and appreciate the fact that my husband has incredible business acumen skills when negotiating a situation.

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband's business acumen?  Do you honor and respect his knowledge in his field of study even if your opinion differs?   Do you trust his knowledge or do you question him even when it is in his area of expertise?  On day 155 I shared the seven revelations and the first was about respect.  Honoring our husband's business acumen is way to demonstrate our respect for their knowledge.  When we question and challenge them in an area that they specialize and know very well, they receive that as disrespect and will probably respond with anger.  On the other hand, when we honor their business acumen it is like depositing money into their emotional bank.  How can you honor his business acumen today? Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you. 



"The only source of knowledge is experience." Albert Einstein

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 164 Honoring My Husband's Appetite

July has been quite the challenging yet fulfilling month.  It afforded me the opportunity to have a greater appreciation for all the wives that are mothers to young and teenage children.  I am somewhat of a planner and have learned that when you have children in the home, no matter the age, the best laid plans may need some adjusting to be fulfilled. 

I had regained my love of planning meals but they often had to be changed.  Today I honored my husband's appetite.  During the month he has endured many quick fixes, leftovers, store bought and fast food meals so I really wanted to show my appreciation for his patience as I learned how to adjust my schedule to balance the need to manage the home with the addition of one and sometime two teenagers.  I truly loved having Maria and my niece around, their energy brought such joy.  Children teach you so much about yourself and I learned it will take more than a month to adjust our life to the blessing of children the Lord have in store.  The beauty is the lessons are in the challenges. 

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband's appetite?  How often do you cook a meal just for him that you know he will truly love and feel honored when eating it?    I truly enjoyed picking out just the right steak and deciding on just the right seasoning and was delighted to be of service to my husband in this capacity. How can you honor your husband's appetite today?  Is he used to eating meals more fitting for the kids than for him? Please share your stories with us about how you have found balance in this area or your current challenges; we would love to learn from you.



"It has been said that the secret to a man's heart is his stomach. 
I believe a satisfied appetite is the secret to a romantic evening."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 163 Honoring My Husband As Lover Wife Pt. II

On day 156 about honoring my husband by being a "lover wife" however I did not share all the concepts as noted by the author that fully makes up a "lover wife." Debra White Smith in the book Romancing Your Husband notes 15 things a wife must do to be in the role of a lover wife and not a mother wife, waiting wife or enabling wife.  Today I am honoring my husband by taking on those concepts I am not already practicing.  She states a lover wife....
  • Allows her husband to be a man.
  • Doesn't criticize or demean him.
  • Treats him as her equal.
  • Doesn't expect her husband to be a domestic genius but appreciates what he does.
  • Bases her respect on her man's character, not on his performance.
  • Doesn't nag.
  • Views herself as her husband's equal.
  • Sees the home as belonging equally to her husband and herself.  She respects her man as an equal owner and allows him to be himself and have control of his stuff in his own home.
  • Does everything in her power to enable her man in all areas.
  • Lovingly voices her respect for domestic help, then gives her husband the space and grace to do it the way he wants.
  • Never complains about what he has done.
  • Expresses appreciation for every task her husband performs on her behalf.
  • Reminds herself of all he does for her.
  • Allows her mother-in-law to be her husband's mother.
  • Allows her husband to be his mother's son. A lover wife doesn't compete or feel threatened when he spends time with his mother.
After going through the full list, I was pretty proud of myself because I believe I do most of what the author lists.  However I know the best test of our behavior is to ask the recipients. So today I am honoring my husband by offering him the opportunity to let me know how I am doing in each of these areas of being a "lover wife."  It is only through feedback we get to uncover our behavioral blind spots.

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband by being a lover wife?  How do you stack up against the list above?  What would your husband say about how you are doing in each area?  Take the list with you on your next date night and hear first hand what your husband thinks.  Please share your stories and learning's with us; we would love to hear and learn from you.



"And yet I show you a more excellent way." 1st Corin. 12:31

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 162 Honoring My Husband With Napanthe

Since the turn of the economy, the fall in real estate, the rise in taxes and utility bills my husband has been challenged more than ever in his business.  I am truly proud of how he has been able to sustain given all the hurdles, challenges, and barriers he's had to overcome.  I know the Lord is with him because I know it is only by His grace and mercy that Bryan is where he is today and have not experienced the devastation many of his fellow investors have over the past few years.

This is not to say it has not been difficult for him.  There are times when I wish all I could do is lessen the heaviness of his heart, remove the frustration and replace it with peace and joy.  Today I am honoring my husband with the concept of nepenthe. Nepenthe is a Greek word meaning to to remove grief or pain and is typically used in poetry.  Although I know it is not as simple as I would like to make it to remove someone else's pain, I do know that as a wife I can impact and often change how my husband feels.  Today I am honoring him with nepenthe by understanding from his perspective what are some things I could do to help change the tied in the moment.  Today my quest will be to do just that, find the path to nepenthe and apply it whenever I can.

Some of you may think, well that sounds pretty simple of course one should try to help their spouse to feel better when they are feeling down; and you are correct one should.  However, I love the concept of nepenthe because it implies applying something that is capable of causing oblivion or forgetfulness of pain.  My husband is always thinking, his brain is nonstop business.  Because he is such a thinker when he gets frustrated he spends a lot of time in his head pondering over the situation which I believe impacts his degree of frustration.  Having a greater understanding and appreciation for the little and big things I can do for him to have him be temporarily oblivious of the situation would be like leading him on a short mental vacation which is always refreshing and invigorating.  So today I honor him with the concept of nepenthe and will discover his path to this mini-vacation.

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband with the concept of nepenthe?  How can you help him take a mini mental vacation by forgetting about the woes of the present long enough to be refreshed and re-invigorated?  Are you a source of nepenthe for your husband and if not, how can you become one?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



“It is because God has made me forget all my trouble..." Genesis 41:51

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 161 Honoring My Husband With A Detour

God's detours always lead to the
intended journey.
Wow! We had an amazing trip home from Canada and it was quite refreshing and filled with the love of  Jesus.  As we headed towards the U.S. we saw a sign that stated there was a 1 to 2  hour delay ahead on the highway so I detoured my GPS which directed us away from the traffic.  However we were able to get an unexpected second glance at the beautiful Niagara Falls.  Once we crossed the border, two hours into our journey we came across another sign that said there were major delays ahead and suggested drivers to take an alternate route.  So once again I detoured my GPS to avoid the traffic delay we experienced at the beginning of our journey.

As we journeyed along this unfamiliar road I was amazed at the scenic beauty of God's creation and our beautiful country.  I was nearly breathless at our surroundings and kept saying thank you Jesus for the diversion.  Twice in the same day a detour had taken us to the beauty of the Lord's creations.  The picturesque scenery reminded me of how God is always surrounding us. 

As we continued to drive we noticed it seemed we were on the trails of heavy rains and began to thank God for the clearance.  Just a few minutes later it began to rain lightly and we noticed this incredible rainbow across the sky.  It was absolutely striking.  I do not recall seeing such a rainbow since childhood and had to take a picture.  I became overwhelmed with joy as I reflected upon all the natural beauty we had experienced in one day without planning any of it.  I could not help but feel the love of the Lord running deep in my spirit. 

Soon after seeing the rainbow we drove right into the heavy rains, however I was not fazed by it because the Lord had already shown us the beauty that comes after the storm.  Today I honored my husband by taking a detour.  As we detoured on the highway I began thinking about how sometimes a detour can open the door to the beauty within a marriage that has not yet been discovered.  I could not wait to get home because I realized we had already detoured our dinner plans for Monday evening to Thursday because I knew we would not be home until very late.  I am excited about what the Lord is going to do.  I truly believe my experience today was a preview of what's to come on Thursday.  I also believe the Lord was reminding me of all the beauty that currently exists and he is using this process (the blog) to wash away any rubble that may be blocking aspects of the full rainbow of love. 

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband with a detour?  How do you handle things when the path you had planned to take is redirected or has to change?  Are you open and receiving of detours or are you frustrated by them?  Have you blocked any wonderful blessings as a result of refusing to take a different route?  How can  you honor your husband today with a detour?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 160 Honoring My Husband By Staying Close

Bryan decided he did not want to take the trip to Canada so for the past several days we have been apart.  Today as I read Our Daily Bread, the topic was Stay Close.  It told a story about a person being frazzled in the airport and the attendant telling her to stay close to her friend.  As I read the story and the closing comments I realized staying close goes beyond walking side by side with someone but it also applies when there is distance between you and the one you love.  Today I am honoring my husband by staying close.

Although we are apart we have been staying connected by texting each other on a pretty regular basis. We made the decision to limit our calls because of the international calling rates.  Unfortunately there is no calling plan for Canada if you are from the U.S.  As we communicated via text I was able to feel his presence in a way that allowed me to enjoy him from afar.  It also made the time we spoke just that more special.  Today I honored my husband by staying close in spirit. The caption at the end of the Daily Bread today stated, "Staying close to godly friends helps us to stay close to God."  This was a reminder to me about how honoring my husband is a way to honor my God.  I just love how God orchestrates things to remind us how our focus is to always be on doing his work, his way

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor you husband's by staying close?  How do you stay connected to your husband when you are not together?  Do you approach staying close to your husband like you approach staying close to God?  What are the possibilities if you did?  How can you honor your husband and God by staying close today?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Comfort each other and edify one another." 1 Thes 5:11

Day 159 Honoring My Husband With The Flow of Energy

What is the flow of your energy
creating in your marriage?
 Today my sister Rhonda, niece Jelissa and exchange student, Maria had a great time in Toronto seeing the  sites.  One of the events we attended was a 3D movie about waves.  As I watched the movie and listened to the narrator talk about how energy is the driving force that creates very large waves; I thought about the amount of energy that must be needed to create a tsunami.  I then turned my thoughts to energy in marriage.  Today I am honoring my husband with the flow of energy by recognizing the power of what it can create.

In my field of work we learn how to pay attention to and follow the energy in a room.  We say the energy will direct us to where we need to focus.  On Day 100, I wrote about how our energy follows us wherever we go.  Today I reflected on the concept of energy as a force so powerful it can create waves of over 30 feet.  As I pondered on this I began to think about the possibilities of what can be created in a marriage if the energy of both parties is directed in the same direction.  I thought about couples like President and Michelle Obama, Will and Jada Smith, Ralph and Ricky Lauren. Each of these couples is a force to be reckoned with and have as a couple used the flow of their energy together to create something wonderful.

When Bryan and I were considering sharing our lives together, someone shared with us that if we capitalized on each other's strengths we could conquer the world together.  I had a pretty good understanding of what he was speaking but there was something about watching huge waves being formed and considering the possibilities of what the force of energy can do in a marriage.  Today I am honoring my husband by considering the flow of our energy.  What could we create if everyday our energy was directed in the same direction in all areas?  I also considered how it feels when our energy is not aligned.  Depending upon the force it can feel like two waves crashing into each other.  Today forward I will be considering the flow of energy in our marriage and the direction I would like it to take and take action accordingly.

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband's with the  flow of energy?  Does your husband experience the flow of your energy aligned with his or does he feel like he's living with a perpetual tsunami?  If you were to consider your energy as weather, what would be the average forecast?  Are you like the Caribbean sea with pretty constant weather and a thunderstorm here and there, are you like the Northeast states with four predictable seasons, are you like Seattle, Washington with more rain than sunshine or are you like the Hawaiian island where you can be counted on to have pretty much the same temperature just about every day of the year no matter what else is happening around you?  Whatever the flow of your energy, make a choice today to honor your husband with the flow of your energy being more aligned with his.



"The energy of the mind is the essence of life." Aristotle

"The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have." Norman Vincent Peale 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 158 Honoring My Husband Beyond Affection

This weekend I am out of town in Niagara Falls with my sister, niece, and exchange student and faced again with honoring my husband from afar.  I thought what a great opportunity to learn more about what it means to honor my husband in relationship to the 7 Revelations.  On Day 155 I shared the 7 Revelations from the study done by Shaunti Feldhahn from "For Women Only".  Today I am honoring my husband with Revelation 1 which speaks about loving our husband's beyond affection; the chapter is titled "Your Love Is Not Enough" which builds on my previous post about respect.  I mentioned way back on day 18 how big of a deal respect is to our mates and promised to share more.

In this chapter the author speaks about why our respect means more to our husband's than our affection.  She notes that if a man feels disrespected, he is going to feel unloved.  Which means, if we want to love our men in the way they need to be loved, then we need to ensure he feels our respect most of all.  The question then becomes, how do we know when we have crossed the line? I am sure most of us do respect the men in our lives.  I was somewhat surprised but relieved by the answer.  If you want to know if you have crossed the respect line with your husband, check for anger.  The author notes, based on her research, anger is often a man's response to feeling disrespected and when I reflect on a few times when Bryan has gotten angry I can see the correlation.  It's like when we feel unloved we get emotional.  It was interesting to me to discover that the depth of him feeling disrespected is the same depth I feel when I am feeling unloved.  This was quite an eye opener. 

She goes on to say, if a man can't articulate his feelings in the heat of the moment, he won't necessarily blurt out "You're disrespecting me!" But rest assured, if he's angry at something you've said or done and you don't understand the cause, there is a good chance that he is feeling the pain or humiliation of your disrespect. 

Men need respect like we need love.  They need us to make the choice to demonstrate respect even when we do not feel like it just as they may demonstrate love when they may not feel like it.  Men may know intellectually that we  respect them, but if we do not show it in action it does not feel real to them.  There are five specific areas where our men need to feel and experience respect from us as discovered by the author.

Need #1  Respect his judgment - A man deeply needs his wife to respect his knowledge, opinions, and decisions, basically his judgment.  Many men wish their wives would not question their knowledge or argue with their decisions all the time.  When I read this I thought Wow! Now I understand why Bryan would get upset with me at times when I would ask the question why.  Fortunately, I have learned to curtail my whys and he has learned to understand my need to understand.  How I wish I had this knowledge 15 years ago.

Need # 2 Respect his abilities - A man wants his wife to have confidence in his general abilities of learning, application, fixing, rebuilding, repairing things, etc., without having to do it our way.  Men sometimes interpret our desire to help as distrust of their abilities.  Another Wow!  I recently purchased a tool to use to clean the outside of our home.  While Bryan was working on one thing, I began to adjust the tool I purchased for him to use.  He then questioned what I was doing and I said I was helping.  He responded I know how to do it.  I was surprised because I did not think I implied he did not, I simply wanted to help.  Well now I know my desire to help, without asking if he wanted or needed it, was a display of distrust to him.  Praise your husband for what he does and ask first when you want to help.

Need #3 Respect in communication - Sometimes it is in the how vs the what or sometimes it is both.  The author's research confirms what the Bible says about the power of the tongue.  Men can be easily crushed with our words, something as simple as "I don't think you can do that" can crush their egos, especially if it is in public.  Men also do not like to be reminded of something over and over again; it feels like distrust to them.  When I teach I share with folks that I speak from my experience and you hear from yours.  When I put this in the context of communicating with our husbands I have reframed it to I speak from my feelings and you hear from yours which will remind me that what may feel like a simple comment to me could be devastating to my husband.  They key for me in this one is, know thy husband and to always speak in love. If you are a sarcastic wife, try changing your tone and speak from the heart to see how this change may change your marriage.

Need #4  Respect in public - The male ego is incredibly fragile and the one person that can pierce him at the heart is his wife or significant other.  Men want and need our respect in public.  One man commented that a wife can impact a husband's career if she belittles him in front of coworkers because they will think he is weak.  One of the things I have learned through this journey is to always honor my husband whether in our outside his presence.  Just as your husband will be hurt and angry if you disrespect him in public, he will think you are the most wonderful woman in the work if you acknowledge and build him up publicly.  It is the equivalent of him coming home to you with a dozen roses.  It is how we fill our husband's emotional bank account.

Need #5  Respect in our assumptions - I can round this one up in my creed for life, "Always assume positive intent".  I recently learned that whether or not we are an optimist or pessimist is 50% determined by genetics.  Imagine that, your parents had a 50/50 say in your genetic disposition about how you see life.  The good thing is no matter the genetic disposition we can be choiceful about changing the course.  Respect in our assumptions with our husbands is about approaching our assumptions from a place of optimism.  Assume he is trying to help, assume he does not need to be reminded, assume it is not his fault.  I try to always ask the question "What's another possibility?"  When your husband does something and you immediately go to a negative place, ask yourself, what are other possibilities that may be more positive than what you are thinking.

What does this all mean for us as women and wives?  It means we truly have a lot of power and responsi-bility in our hands when it comes to our husbands and our marriages.  I started this blog because I truly wanted to learn how to be a better wife and learn how to love my husband in the way he needs to be loved.  I am so glad the Lord has led me down this journey of discovering the what and the how of being the wife he would have me to be. 

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband beyond affection?  As woman the demonstration of love is most important to us just like the demonstration of respect is most important to our husbands.  The demonstration of respect does not mean we are not to have a voice, it actually means the exact opposite; we are to have a voice it is the tone, attitude and words of the voice that matters and makes a difference in how our husband's feel.  How can you love your husband beyond affection today by putting into action the first revelation?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"A wife of noble character is her husband's crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones."
Proverbs 12:4

Day 157 Honoring My Husband With Pleasant Thoughts

Yesterday was a day full of fun, adventure, excitement, patience and pleasant thoughts.  I took Maria to New York City yesterday in route to Niagara Falls, Canada.  A trip that normally takes 2 hours took over 4 and a trip that should have taken 7 hours took 10.  We spent a lot of time sitting in traffic and on the road yesterday due to accidents. 

I was disappointed when I was not able to make my post yesterday because of sitting in traffic well beyond midnight but it gave me time to just explore many pleasant thoughts about my marriage.  I do a lot of reading about remaining in the present moment.  So yesterday I was able to stay in the present moment by figuring out how to use my time and my mind during the moments of just sitting.   I typically call on the Lord and ask, What is an appropriate use of both?  Yesterday it was a time of reflection on what has transpired over the past several months since beginning this blog. 

Yesterday I honored my husband by meditating on pleasant thoughts that kept me occupied with a smile on my face while we sat in traffic for way too many hours.  Something I probably would not have done otherwise so I am grateful for the opportunity. 

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband with pleasant thoughts?  What do you think about when you have an opportunity to ponder on your marriage?  Do you think about all the things your husband is not that you want him to be or do you think about all the great things he does or tries to do for you and your family?  I love the line in the movie Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts says "It is easier to remember the bad things."  I love that line because it is a constant reminder to me to always think about and remember the good because what we think about controls how we feel.  If we think about the bad our husband's do we will feel bad and if we think about the good, we will feel good about them and ourselves.  What pleasant thoughts can you bring to mind that will change (for the good) how you feel about your husband today.



"Our thoughts guide our feelings and our feelings guide our actions." Wade Dyer

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 156 Honoring My Husband As A Lover Wife

Stay tuned for more to come on being a lover wife.  Thank you for your patience. 

Hello wives of the world, in my quest to learn more about honoring my husband I came across another book that had some interesting tidbits.  One of them was about the concept of being a lover wife which meant to go beyond the normal duties of being a wife and taking on the role of being a romantic instead of waiting for our husband's to do such.

I found this interesting given the revelations I posted on Day 155.  There were several principles for being a lover wife but the one that caught my attention was about the house being his house too.  Bryan has always referred to our home as my house.  When we purchased it almost 10 years ago we agreed that I would be responsible for decorating the two main floors and he would do the basement.  I recently decided I want to repaint the kitchen and Bryan is not happy with my choice.  My response to him was that the kitchen is "my kitchen" and since I do all the cooking I should be able to choose the experience I would like to have while I am creating my mini masterpieces (smile). 

After reading the concept about being a "Lover Wife" I realized that I was not honoring my husband in this capacity.  The author spoke about allowing our husband's to have their space in the home, so if he wants something to be a certain way, to allow it.  If he has a space that he calls his own and we are not happy with its presence, so be it.  I thought Wow!, this is a tough one for me.  Bryan and I are opposites in this area.  I am the neat freak and he is the not so neat one.  I like things to be in their place and have learned over the years not to allow some things to bother me.  However, there are some things like clothes on the floor or papers in a place they do not belong that I have not yet settled to be okay in my spirit.  I had not considered this an area where I am not honoring my husband as an equal partner in our home. 

On this day I honored my husband by considering in what ways I can be a Lover Wife in this arena.  I also considered how do I reframe the concept of honoring my husband by sharing in the presence of our home.  This is something I never considered taking to the Lord but as I ponder on it, I know I will need to release it.  When things are too out of order, according to my standards, I feel like the visual noise is so loud I cannot concentrate.  It is hard for me to focus and to think creatively.  I am now wondering how to have balance in this area without it being too much of a challenge.

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband by being a "Lover Wife"?  Do you consider your house to be just that, your house?  How much say does  your husband have in the orderliness of your home?  Have you, like me, not considered that your husband needs to have an emotional attachment to your home just as we do as wives?  I had not yet today I have a totally different perspective.  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands."Alexandra Penney 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 155 Honoring My Husband With Revelations

When the Lord placed it upon my heart to begin this journey I pulled out all the books I had been purchasing over the years about marriage.  I have come to realize I am somewhat of a natural researcher when it is a topic of great interest.  I recently pulled out one of those books to get a reminder about its key concepts.  As the book is based on research of 800 men and it has been statistically verified.  The book is called "For Women Only" by Shaunti Fieldhahn and it is about what we as women need to know about the inner lives of our men.

What I love about the book is its simplicity.  She speaks of seven revelations that emerged from her research.  Today I am honoring my husband by acknowledging and being consciously aware of these revelations to understand how they can make a difference in our lives. They are as follows:

1.  "Men need respect" -   Men would rather feel unloved than inadequate and disrespected.
2.  "Men are insecure:  - Despite their "in control" exterior, men often feel like imposter's and are insecure that their inadequacies will be discovered.

3.  "Men are providers" - Even if you personally make enough income to support the family's lifestyle, it would make no difference to the mental burden he feels to provide.

4.  "Men want more sex" - Your sexual desire for your husband profoundly affects his sense of well being and confidence in all areas of his life.

5.  "Men are visual" - Even happily married men struggle with being pulled toward live and recollected images of other women.

6.  "Men are unromantic clods" - Actually, most men enjoy romance (sometimes in different ways) and want to be romantic -- but hesitate because they doubt they can succeed.

7.  "Men care about appearance" - You don't need to be a size 3, but your man does need to see you making the effort to take of yourself-and he will take on significant cost or inconvenience in order to support you.

As I read through these revelations my first thought was well I pretty much already know most of  this, however was not necessarily aware of how they all play out in action.  I also love the idea that the author states the book is for women and can help us help ourselves instead of trying to change our mates.  "The more we understand the men in our lives, the better we can support and love them in the way they need to be loved."  So basically, the revelations are to change and improve us. 

Today I am honoring my husband with these seven revelations and the key concepts behind each one of them.  Join me as I dissect each one of them over the course of the next few weeks and share my insights with you. 

Wives of the worlds in what way can you honor your husband's with these seven revelations?  As you review each one of them, which one would make a significant difference in your relationship?  How cab you honor your husband with these revelations beginning today?  Please share your stories with us; as we would love to learn from you.



 "Revelations are like breaths of fresh air on a summer day.  They allow us to see and experience our presence with enlightened senses."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 154 Honoring My Husband With Theory

As many of you may have realized by now, I am in school.  I am in the process of completing my Masters degree in organization development and praise God I have one more class and four more months remaining.  The foundation to the program is behavioral theory in several different areas, group, organization, leadership, psychology, and individual behavior.  I truly love learning about how people think, work and why we do the things we do.  It is and has been fascinating to me.  It has also helped me in my marriage in many ways.

Today I honored my husband by using theory.  Today Bryan asked me a question and I did not know the answer and told him I would give him the answer if he waited a few moments.  He decided he did not want to wait and decided to call me back.  When he tried to call me back I did not pick up the phone because I had gone into a store and left my phone in the car so it could charge.  To  make a long story short he got pretty frustrated and when we finally did connect he was pretty upset.  As I listened to him I wanted to explain what transpired however theory has taught me you cannot rationalize with someone who is filled with emotions which at the time Bryan was.  He had misconstrued my intent and what happened which drove him to frustration.  Theory also helped me understand how he got there.

Because I was able to apply theory to the situation it allowed me to "not" respond in an emotional manner but to simply listen.  The theory that helped is called rational emotive theory or RET and the aspect I was able to apply is simply you cannot rationalize with someone when they are filled with emotion because they cannot hear you no matter how hard you may try.  It is scientifically proven to be impossible because emotions has taken the place of logic and without logic one cannot understand. So today I honored my husband by using theory to understand where he was and what I needed to do to manage the situation, just listen.

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband's using this theory?  How can it help you manager a situation with you or your husband?  The next time you are in a situation with your husband where his emotions are running high, remember RET and this may help you better understand how to handle the situation instead of getting upset and there being two overly emotional people.  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from  you.



"There is nothing like a good theory" Kurt Lewin

Day 153 Honoring My Husband With Communications

This weekend I was away at school and it was another great weekend filled with learning.  By the end of the day on Sunday I am typically pretty tired but excited about spending the evening with Bryan.  We got out a little early so I headed straight back home.  To my surprise he had decided to attend a reggae concert with a friend.  I was quite disappointed but then thought I could get some rest until he return but it turned out I could  not rest because I did not have the keys I needed,

I was somewhat disappointed but then I realized Bryan had no way of knowing my intentions.  I usually return much later in the afternoon on the weekends I am at school and I had not communicated to him the intent to leave early.  The great lesson for me was to ensure I get the information to him in a timely manner so he can make whatever adjustments necessary. 

Today I am honoring my husband with the commitment of early communications.  It would have been so easy for me to get upset with him for not being around when I got out of school but that would have been a waste of energy and time as he had no idea of my change in schedule.  He also had no idea of how I wanted to spend the afternoon so I am honoring him by committing to early communications so we are both clear on intent and expectations.

Wives of the world in what way can you or do you honor your husband's with communications?  How often do you have misunderstandings because of the lack of communications or miscommunicated expectations?  We sometimes believe our spouse should know what we expect or intend just because it is what we may want or need.  Our husband's are not in our heads; they have absolutely no way to know our intent or expectations if we have not shared them.  How can you honor your husband today with clarity of communications to avoid you and him future disappointment?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Communication is important; it links the hearts of two, together, making them understand what each other means." Source Unknown

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 152 Honoring My Husband By Checking In

One of the things I was most challenged by when Bryan and I first got married, was the concept of now having to check in or be accountable to someone.  I was well into my 30's when we got married, so of course I was pretty much set in my ways.  I did not like nor did I honor the concept of checking in with my spouse.  To me the idea felt more like control than caring, then one day a light bulb went off.

Although I had not mastered the concept of checking in Bryan got this part pretty easily.  He used to call me whenever he thought he was going to be running extra late or if something came up.  Then one day he did not and I could not reach him.  It was so much out of his norm that I began to worry about what happened.  When he arrived home I learned he  had an issue that came up with his property and because he was out later than normal his phone charge had died.  I realized at that moment how I had been on a regular basis putting him through that very same type of worrying when I decided to hang out at the mall or someplace else and would not call or my phone did not have service.  It taught me a very valuable lesson.  As a result I changed my behavior and began to accept the idea of checking in.

Today I honored my husband by checking in.  I decided to hang out with some classmates at the National Harbor and knew I would be getting in later than normal.   I also knew I did not want Bryan to be concerned about my safety so late in the evening.

Wives of the world in what ways do you or can you honor your husband's by checking in.  Have you accepted the concept of being accountable to each other and use it as a way to support your love towards each other or do you find it challenging to allow for such a space in your relationship.    I have found that checking in is just another way of communicating I love you and I respect you and do not want to add unnecessary stress into your day.   In  what way can you honor your husband by checking in today?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Consider others first."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 151 Honoring My Husband With A Declaration

I think I have come up against the wall or challenge that happens when we take on any activity that requires a high degree of commitment, follow through and sustainable.  For whatever reason this month has been that for me.  It started with the technical difficulties but has continued with the ongoing challenge of being able to complete my post in a timely manner. 

Each and every day the Lord speaks to me about how I need to be honoring my husband and building on what he has already given me; yet the month of July has presented the challenge of getting what's in my head and heart in my post within the committed time frame.  Today I am honoring my husband with a declaration because I believe in the power of speaking what we want to be in reality.  I am declaring that the devil will not continue to be a road block for the remainder of this month.  I am declaring that as the Lord speaks to my heart the universe will open the gates of heaven to make space, time and opportunity to continue this awesome assignment in a timely manner.  I am declaring that I know the Lord has an incredibly blessing because any time the devil tries to steal our joy or get in the way; if we forge forward a testimony is at the end of the struggle. 

Today I am honoring my husband with a declaration of victory through this challenge because I believe someone is learning, growing and having a great impact on their marriage because of how the Lord has chosen to use me.  So stay tuned for how I believe God will take this process to a whole other level and may you continue to be blessed in a way that is most impactful for you.

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband with a declaration?  What do you do to get beyond the roadblocks of life when the devil tries to get in the way of an assignment the Lord has given you?  How do you hold on to the commitment so what the Lord is building does not fall ?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear and learn from you.



"Hear diligently my speech, and my declaration with your ears." Job 13:17

Day 150 Honoring My Husband With A Session

It has been interesting to me how Bryan and I have allowed our sex life to be on the back burner the past couple of weeks.  Since the arrival of Maria we have been crazy busy and have neglected each other in that way.  It seems life has just been getting in the way.  Today I was to leave to head to D.C. for school.  As I prepared to leave it dawned on me that I had the power to change this dynamic so I made the decision not to go to DC until the next day.  Today I would be honoring my husband with a session.

I have a friend who calls it a "session" whenever her and her husband are pleasing each other in the way the Lord intended.  Today it was my pleasure to honor my husband in this manner.  What was interesting to me is that Bryan mentioned he wondered if I would leave for the weekend without handling my wifely duties.  He had no intention to mention to me how he felt about it yet he had it in the back of his mind.  I am so glad we were on the same page.  I had a very good friend that specializes in marital counseling once say to me when I used to travel a lot that I needed to make sure I loved my husband up before and after my trip no matter what because he needed to know he was first and foremost in my life.  Today I honored my husband with a session.  In honoring him with a session I was also honoring my self.

Wives of the world in what ways do you or can you honor your husband with a session to ensure he does not get the crazies when there has been too much time between sessions?  Do you pay attention to the lapse in time or do you leave it up to your  husband to ensure you are having sessions in a timely manner?  I was surprised when Bryan mentioned to me that we had gone almost 10 days, I think that is a record for us since being married except when I have been out of town.  In what ways can you make the necessary changes to honor your husband tonight with a session?  He would absolutely love your initiative.  Please share your stories or any great secrets with  us; as we would love to learn from you.



"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is more delightful than wine." Song of Sol. 1:2

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 149 Honoring My Husband By Rejuvenating

Rejuvenation frees the mind and spirit.
The past couple of weeks have been quite challenging for me.  I love having our exchange student with us for the month, she brings such joy.  However I did forget about the time commitment that comes with the visit.  Fortunately she is 16 and self sufficient yet I still feel very compelled to make sure her visit is enjoyable and meets the intended expectation.  This meant adding on additional responsibilities for both me and Bryan and it felt non-stop this past couple of weeks.

Today I am honoring my husband by rejuvenating.  I always know when he is feeling the time we are spending together is not enough for him.  On the heals of our weekend I had two classes to teach, one on Tuesday and one tonight.  I came home and crashed.  I was so tired I fell asleep at the table.  Fortunately I was able to get a great nights sleep to fully rejuvenate and spend some good quality time with Bryan.

Wives of the world in what way do you or can you honor your husband by rejuvenating?  Rejuvenation allows us to be the attentive, fully present wives we need to be.  I'm looking forward to the blessing rejuvenation brings.  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures.  He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul." Psalm 23:1-3

Day 148 Honoring My Husband by Going With the Flow

Wow! I cannot believe yesterday came and went and I had not posted what the Lord laid upon my heart.  Yesterday was a day of simply making things happen. I honored my husband by going with the flow of things.  We arrived home from our short trip and got right back into the norm of the day. 

Wives of the world how do you or can you honor your husband's by simply going with the flow.  I am typically an easy going person so going with the flow is more the norm for me than not, however I have noticed that as I get closer to 50 and menopause kicks in my going with the flow nature is not as frequent as it used to be.  I remember watching the Oprah show when they talked about what happens when a woman turns 50, it's like all of sudden the world looks different and things that did not matter does and things that used to matter doesn't.  I say that to say that I am hoping what I learned in the 24 hours of honoring my husband by going with the flow will continue for the next few years until I turn 50. 

Are you a woman over or close to 50 spending the year honoring your husband, please share your lessons with us we would love to learn from you.  All wives of the world, please share your stories; we would love to hear from you as well.



"Spending a day going with the flow allows us to enjoy the presence of the current moment."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 147 Honoring My Husband With Laughter

Laughter the gateway to the soul!
 Today I honored my husband with laughter.  We had planned to return home early today from our mini  vacation, but everyone was having such a good time we decided to extend our stay another evening.  As it seems to be the case lately, I had two projects that needed to be completed so I was up late into the evening and spent a good portion of the morning working on it while Bryan, Jelissa and Maria enjoyed the beach and boardwalk.

This evening we took a trip over to Ocean City, New Jersey to enjoy the boardwalk and had a great time.  I could not believe how much time we spent just laughing.  Bryan is quite the comedian so he was the source of most of our laughter and we had a great time laughing at the events of the evening.

Today I honored my husband with laughter because it is such a healthy dose of  healing for the soul. I came across a great article by Frank Pasquet that talked about the Joy of Laughter.  He lists the following benefits of laughter:

1. Laughter's effect on your body - Laughter literally helps your body heal.
2. Laughter and the mind -  Happy thoughts leads to a more positive outlook on life.
3. Strengthening your inner being - Laughter causes your inner being to be emotionally and physically  
4. Boosting your spirits - Laughter causes a lift in your spirit.

I especially enjoyed reading the one directly related to relationships, it stated the following:

5. Laughter and Your Relationships

When two people share a funny story or a silly situation arises between two people, there’s a unique bonding that is created. Something special is formed between the two that only they can relate with. It’s an inside joke that is special to those who’ve shared in the moment.

When two people spend a lot of time together in laughter, a stronger, more ever-lasting relationship develops.

In a marriage, studies show couples that laugh together stay together much longer, if not for life. Think about a truly happy couple you know. Sure, every family has their issues and marriage takes work, but chances are they spend a lot of time laughing together. This doesn’t happen by accident either. It can be created and fostered!  When you choose to embrace laughter, you’ll be able to get through many more rough spots in life and come out a happier and healthier person.

Life can be tough, so why not choose to make it more joyous? You can if you choose to.
Always try to find joy in every situation and laugh as often as possible each and every day. Also, by spending more time around positive people, who love life and love to laugh, you’ll be amazed at how you begin to feel on the inside and out!

Wives of the world in what ways can you or have you honored your husband's with laughter?  A while back I had to have abdominal surgery.  After the surgery the doctor told my family to make me laugh as much as possible because it would help heal and strengthen my abdominal muscles much quicker.  I can recall them coming in and telling all kinds of jokes to keep me laughing.  It was quite painful yet I knew it was for my benefit so I endured it. 

I am a true testament of how laughter can help heal the body and lift the spirit, as my surgery was due an ectopic pregnancy which was quite disappointing and emotionally painful.  The laughter helped me to not only heal physically but also to heal emotionally.  Be of cheer to your husband today and be intentional about honoring him with laughter.  It could be the one thing he needs to lift his spirits and heal his soul for the day. Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."
"The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter."
Authors unknown

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 146 Honoring My Husband With Enjoyment

Praise be to God! As I noted on yesterday our original plans for the weekend got hijacked and we had to determine exactly what we were going to do.  We had been very much looking forward to spending time away and we had our 16 year old exchange student and our 15 year old niece that were both looking forward to the weekend and more importantly the beach. 

I stayed up late last night searching the Internet to determine the best course of action.  I was able to find a great hotel in Ocean City, New Jersey and thought it would be the perfect location.  Bryan and I visited there last year and were quite impressed.  However in the morning Bryan said he really wanted to stay on the beach.  As God would have it we were able to find a hotel with a great rate, a great view and a great location on the beach in Atlantic City, NJ.  At the end of the day what was originally a disappointment turned into a great blessing.  We had a great time today.  It was a first visit for both my niece Jelissa and Maria our exchange student from Spain.  It was really awesome to see things through their eyes.  The blessing was because of the proximity of Atlantic City and Ocean City, NJ we are able to visit both.  God always has a better plan.

Today I honored my husband with enjoyment.  Turns out the location was better as we would not have been directly on the beach in MD and the amusement and entertainment does not compare to Atlantic City.  Today I honored my husband with enjoyment by just allowing things to unfold throughout the day and we went where the spirit led.  I love it when things work out for the better.  God truly does always know best.

Wives of the world in what way can you honor your husband with enjoyment?  In the book I am reading, Improv Wisdom, the author, Patricia Ryan Madson has a principle called don't prepare.  She states "trust your imagination; trust your mind, allow yourself to be surprised."  Today this principle was put into effect for me because I typically do have an indication about what we are going to do and today we just got in the car and said we will let the day take us where it may.  This ended up with many surprises and lots of enjoyment.  How can you honor your husband with enjoyment by just allowing the spirit to guide you wherever it may?  Please share  your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"The test of enjoyment is the remembrance which it leaves behind."

Day 145 Honoring My Husband by Being Resourceful

This weekend Bryan and I had plans to go to Ocean City, MD for the weekend.  We had both been looking forward to it and we had planned out our travel schedule and discussed some of the activities we were going to enjoy.  This morning I could hear the excitement in Bryan's voice as we discussed what to bring.  We were intended to bring along my niece and our exchange student from Spain. 

Unfortunately, Bryan received a phone call from the person who owns the house we were to be staying and apparently there was some sort of mix up with the dates on their in and the property was doubled booked so we lost out.  Talk about something that takes the wind out of your sails, we were all quite disappointed.  As soon as I got home I went into Plan B mode, searching for alternative accommodations or even possibly an alternative location. 

Today I am honoring my husband with resourcefulness by seeking to find a way to keep our plans alive with a few modifications.  I found a few possibilities for us to decide upon on tomorrow so I am sure we will be able to move forward with enjoying the water this weekend.  Bryan suggested I contact the owner of the house we were originally scheduled to stay and let her know of our disappointment in her mismanagement of the schedule however I believe all things happen for a reason and this just means the Lord has a blessing awaiting us at our final destination.

Wives of the world in what ways do you or can you honor your husband's by being resourceful?  How can you help keep his spirits high today by finding an alternative to something gone awry?  The greatest part about someone else causing your plans to change is the awareness that there are no coincidences. If something has fallen through it just means God has another door opened that has something more fitting for your needs, desires and wants than what you may have planned.  I cannot wait to see what God has in store.  Please share your stories with us; as we would love to hear from you.



"Change brings opportunity." Nido Qubein

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 144 Honoring My Husband With A Strategy

My work is all about helping organizations, specifically churches to develop strategies to be more effective.  It is truly my passion and my life's work.  In most cases I am very intentional about developing a strategic plan to accomplish what needs to happen.  Bryan and I recently had a conversation about acknowledgement and appreciation and how our love languages are different in this arena.

It caused me to ponder on how I can be more deliberate in meeting his Love Language in this regards.  Then it dawned on me, I need a strategy.  We tend to show love in the manner that we like to receive it.  Bryan and I have found this true of each other. However, often times our spouse needs something different than we do.  So today I am honoring my husband with a strategy by putting a plan in place to ensure I am showing my appreciation and acknowledgement in a way that meets his Love Language instead of mine.

Wives of the world in what ways can you honor your husband with a strategy?  Is there something that does not come naturally and a strategy would be extremely helpful in getting you to a place of habit?  It is amazing to me how something that seems so natural and appropriate to and for me is so wrong and unnatural for my husband. I guess this is why the Lord puts two opposites together so we can grow in areas beyond our comfort zone. Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Change is not a destination just as hope is not a strategy." Rudy Giuliani

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 143 Honoring My Husband With Obedience

Praise be to God, I am back in business and able to fully share how I the Lord is leading me to honor my husband each and every day.  It has been an interested couple of days trying to post what I could from my blackberry, nonetheless I am glad to be back on the board.

Today I am honoring my husband with obedience.  I have been spending the last several weeks preparing for an upcoming session I have to facilitate at my church this coming weekend for our new ministry leaders.  One of the lessons is about limits and boundaries, something I have been quite challenged with regarding my work in ministry.  Today I am honoring my husband with obedience by taking a look at how I can better establish boundaries to ensure I am living a more balanced life.

My counterpart that is helping me with the program made an interesting observation.  He noted that we were both being chastised by our spouses for the time we are putting into the project and the impact it is having at home.  He noted how we are seemingly becoming casualties of the very lessons we are trying to teach our church leaders.  This was quite the eye opener for me.  So today I am honoring my husband by being obedient to his request and to the lessons from John Maxwell about being a good leader at home, work and in ministry.

Wives of the world in what ways are you or can you be more obedient to your husband's?  Are you challenged with staying balanced and keeping all the balls in the air while home is taking a back seat? What can you do today to be more obedient to your husband?  Please share your stories with us we would love to hear from you.



"Obedience is greater than sacrifice."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 142 Honoring My Husband With Signage

Hello mcommitted raders, please forgive the technical difficulties. Please stay tuned and hopefully on tomorrow I will be able to post the full update. In the meantime continue to honor your husband's by being the change you want to see.

Day 141 Honoring My Husband

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 140 Honoring My Husband With Independence

                 Happy Independence Day America! 

What a wonderful country we live in.  Some may say for those of us  that are African American we are celebrating independence of our country and independence for the freedom journey of our race.  With all the challenges, obstacles, legal barriers we have overcome, it is nice to see where the Lord has brought us as a race and as a country.  Today I am honoring my husband with a celebration of independence. 

We were watching a movie on yesterday and a couple was getting married.  One of the men yelled out to the groom to walk slowly because he was taking his last few steps of freedom as he and his bride were entering their new home.  I found his comment funny yet interesting.  I found his choice of words intriguing, your last steps of freedom.  I began to wonder if this is the reason why so many men and women are fearful of getting married because they see it as giving up their freedom as opposed to gaining a life partner. 

I never felt that getting married was giving up my freedom.  That sounds like marriage is more a destination of bondage Vs a place of comfort, peace, love and togetherness.  When Bryan and I first got married he used to go on trips with some of his friends and several of my friends could not understand why I was so okay with it.  I was okay with it because I trusted God, my husband and our union.  I was okay with it because I was and am free.  Our guidelines have been from the beginning to always demonstrate respect to each other and our marriage.  I did not need to ask or tell my husband what he should or should not be doing because I believed in my heart he would always do right by our commitment.  By treating each other as respectable adults we always felt a sense of freedom in our marriage which ultimately brought us closer together.

For me, freedom is what comes with being a child of God,.  Freedom is the benefit of Jesus joy.  When we love the Lord with all our heart, he frees us of bondage of ourselves and others.  I believe when we are free in our spirit our spirit allows others to be free as well.  Today I am honoring my husband with independence for the freedom we have allowed each other to enjoy in our marriage.  This does not mean we have not had our challenges however it does mean that we don't try to hold each other captive by placing boundaries that are really a reflection of a lack of trust, and when we do we can call each other on it until that person gets things settled in their heart, whatever that might look like.

Wives of the world in what ways do you or can you honor your husband with independence?  Does your husband feel that he can go and hang out with his friends one evening or is this something you have forbidden in your marriage?  Does your husband feel a sense of freedom or is your marriage a place of bondage?  If you do not know, check it out with your husband and be prepared to deal with his truth.  Please share your stories and any enlightenment with us; we would love to hear from you.



"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 139 Honoring My Husband With Scripture

The word of God is our
confirmation of peace.
 Yesterday I was very tired so for the first time in years I was in bed by 9PM and at 5:00AM this morning my body said that's enough sleep, time to rise.  So I had a good early start this morning.  When I got up Bryan also woke up and decided to get some work done.  About an hour into the early morning he shared how frustrated and filled with anxiety he was because of an upcoming court case. 

One of his prior tenants has falsely accused him of removing her property.  Fortunately, he has the other tenants, neighbors and police documentation to the contrary.  Nonetheless he was anxious because you just never know how a judge is going to rule.  In church today my Pastor preached about anxiety.  Unfortunately Bryan decided to go to another church so I texted him to let him know that Bishop Thomas was preaching about him today.  He preached out of Phil. 4 which is all about the Lord telling us not to be anxious for anything.  Today I am honoring my husband with scripture because it is the one thing that helps bring things back into perspective.  When you know the Lord has got your back the only recourse is to lean on his word when anxiety rises.

My Pastor spoke about how whenever we have anxiety it is because that is an area we need to grow in our faith.  This really gave me reason to praise because I know the Lord is working to grow Bryan's faith and I know this will be a testimony about God's goodness in the end and how it helped Bryan go to the next layer in the mustard seed of faith.  As the word says, "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  I just LOVE the confirmation the word of the Lord brings to light!

Wives of the world in what ways do your or can you honor your husband's with scripture?  How can you use scripture to help him get through a tough day or week?  Yesterday I spoke about standing in the gap, today I felt I was truly standing in the gap in terms of praying for my husband that the peace of the Lord would be upon him and that he would meditate upon God's promises of peace and victory in this situation.  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Phil. 4:4-9

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 138 Honoring My Husband By Standing in the Gap

Today I had the opportunity to meet several of my husband's family members I had never met before.  The family hosted a last minute family gathering and it was a pretty nice turnout given the time frame.  Saturday is typically a work day for Bryan so he let me know about the cookout and asked if I could get there before him to bring what he committed to contributing.

Our exchange student Maria arrived today so I picked her up and headed to the cookout.  Fortunately the location was on the same driving route for me to go home from the Philadelphia Airport.  As I drove around looking for a place to purchase some drinks, I thought about the role of being a wife and honoring one's husband and it dawned on me that there are so many things a wife is called to do that is honoring of her husband.  Even if it is as simple as standing in the gap when your mate cannot be there.  The question becomes in what way do we hold this great honor.

Today I honored my husband by standing in the gap and being the face of our partnership until he was able to arrive.  As I introduced myself to several people and said hello to those familiar faces I was reminded of my post from Day 78, Honoring My Husband With Representation.  I realized that not only was I standing in the gap, but I was also a representation of him to his family.  As I reflected upon this revelation it dawned on me how pleased and honored I was to serve in this capacity.  From a Christian perspective when we speak about standing in the gap for someone we are serving in intercessory prayer warriors for them.  It also dawned upon me how grateful I am of who the Lord has made both of us to be.  Neither of us have a concern about the other standing in the gap nor representing the other.  Today I am honored to honor my husband by standing in the gap. 

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband's by standing in the gap?  Would he be concerned about the impact if he asked you to take his place at an event or gathering or would he be overjoyed and proud because he knows he can count on you to represent  your partnership according to God?  In what ways can you honor your husband by standing in the gap this month?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap.."
Ezekiel 22:30

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 137 Honoring My Husband By Reading Between the Lines

When we listen for the words in
between the lines we hear the real
 heart of the story.
Today for some reason I felt like it was Saturday.  I overslept and missed a meeting, fortunately it was not critical but it is so unlike me.  As I prepared for the day my phone was ringing nonstop and for a minute I was so perplexed because I just could not understand why I was getting so many calls on a Saturday.  But then reality set in or I guess I truly woke up and realized today is Friday, and then it all came together.  Once that revelation set in I had to get busy with the order of the day, making the necessary calls, meetings, running errands etc.

While taking care of the business of the day Bryan calls me and begins to tell me why he is frustrated with me.  As I listened, initially I was a little confused and then it hit me.  The story being told is typically not the story that  needs to be told.  So today I am honoring  my husband by reading between the lines.  Since last week we have been going and going, I had a ton of school work, business work and home work with all the activities and he has been busy with getting things in order with his business.  Ironically yesterday I wrote about "just showing up" today I absolutely have to show up because I could hear the real message my husband was sharing when I listened for the 'gold", read between the lines and heard the heart of the message being delivered.  Today I am honoring my husband by reading between the lines and hearing what his heart is really saying.  He misses his wife and I need to show back up.

Wives of the world how can  you or do you honor your husband's by reading between the lines?  Are you able to hear your husband's heart when he speaks, even if it feels like he is coming down on you or do you ignore the message because of  the delivery?  I once heard a relationship specialist share that when a man shares something about what he does or does not like, listen, because those are his emotions.  He may never use the word feelings or emotions but if you listen to the message behind the words what you will find are emotions and feelings coming from his heart.  What message is your husband telling you about his heart when you read between the lines?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Reading is a means of thinking with another person's mind; it forces you to stretch your own." 
 Charles Scribner