He completed the first property and the second one we gave to a contractor. Today I had a great revelation about just how skilled and talented my husband really is. I visited both properties today to meet one of the tenants and to check on the final product. I have to say I was quite impressed. When I compared the property Bryan completed it was heads above the property the contractor completed. I was so proud of him and realized I really need to compliment him on his great work. He had been telling me the one property was a step above the other but I did not expect to see such a stark difference. So that being said, today I am honoring my husband with a great and well deserved compliment. I do not know why I was so surprised; he has renovated many properties that looked very nice.
Now here is the dilemma, I love the idea that he has benefited with free time to enjoy the one hobby he loves and I am glad both properties are just about complete; however I am not sure if I will want someone else to take care of a future project. He does such good work. Well for now, I will enjoy giving him the compliment and his free time. I guess I will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
Wives of the world how do you or can you honor your husband with a compliment? Is there something that he does very well that you may take for granted? Are you surprised at his ability in some areas? If so, tell him how great he is and don't worry about him getting a big head. If a compliment is well deserved it should be given. When we lift our husband's spirits with a compliment we also lift up our marriage. Statistics state they will carry that feeling of greatness for at least seven days. Imagine the lift in your marriage. Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.
"I can live for two months on a good compliment." Mark Twain
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24
Hello, I understand were your coming from sometimes we forget, that our spouse is handy I know my Scott is very talented and I don't tell him often enough. I have seen work done by several other men even contractors and well I think they just say it a job were as our husband see pride in completing a project and then they can compare on how to make the same changes better the next time , I must say I am glad he can do as much as he does in the long run he saves us a lot of moolah (LOL).So don't have a dilemma about it just feel it with what your saw and well you know compare it with the difference of quality and time and you will have your answer.
Be Blessed
I think it's great that your husbands have the talents they have because doing that type of work isn't easy. The best part is that they can decide whether they want to tackle the job themselves or pay someone else to do it. That's a good choice to have especially if they are trying to save
money in the current economy.
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