Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 83 Honoring My Husband By Honoring Our Mothers

Happy Mother's Day! To all my private and public readers, I hope your day was filled with an overflow of joy and blessings.

Today I honored my husband by affording both of us the opportunity to honor our mother's on their day. Bryan spent the day with his Mom in Baltimore and I journeyed to New Jersey with my siblings to honor my Mom. The Lord tells us in his word to honor thy mother and thy father. As I reflected on this commandment it dawned on me that honor starts first in the home when we are of young age. I then realized that if we are not able to honor our parents or those who served that role for us, we may not know how to honor our mates.

Today I honored my husband by honoring our mother's because without them neither of us would know how to honor, love and respect each other. It is very true that this starts at home. I can remember being very young and getting angry with my father and if in my anger I said something that was not honoring him, my Mom would put a stop to it immediately and explain to me why I could not speak ill of my dad even in my anger. I believe this was the early stages of me learning how to honor my husband and I thank our mom's for giving of themselves that we might be able to give of each other.

Wives of the world, in what way do you or can you honor your husband by honoring your mother or father? 



“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12

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