Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 280 Honoring My Husband With Implementation

School is over, we are back from a very nice vacation and my journey to serve in the capacity of wife and homemaker begins.  I have been planning and outlining what I believe needs to be taken care of  as well as making inquiries from Bryan and the Lord.  My plan looks more like a list of honey do's instead of what I thought it might look like.  Nonetheless today I am honoring my husband with implementation of this plan.

I was really surprised today as we headed home and I realized that once I got home there was no studying to be done, no papers to write, no client project to work on or no deadlines to meet.  I must admit at first I wondered how do I reframe my current status into a role that feels acceptable, validating, fulfilling and challenging for me.  While we were on vacation someone asked me what did I do and I said I am a consultant and housewife and he said so you are a domestic engineer.  My first response was well if that works for you and then I realized, it doesn't work for me. 

Domestic engineer sounds like a technical word for housekeeper and I believe anyone who takes care of their husband, home, children and family things are far more than a housekeeper.  I have yet to identify what word or words work for me, so in the meantime, wife works because it covers so much territory.  Now you can see why I am doing a survey.  I really need to figure this out pretty soon.  Today I am honoring my husband with implementation because my new journey begins now.

Wives of the world how do you or can you honor your husband with implementation?  Is there something you need to start but have been holding off?  I was listening to the WORD Network today and was surprised when I heard T.D. Jakes, followed by Joyce Meyers and then my Pastor all speaking about moving forward with what you believe God has given you.  Talk about a validation. Jake's stated to be relentless with passion, Meyers stated to reach beyond your fears and my Pastor stated in whatever we do, we are covered.  That being said I am moving forward with implementation of having the role of wife and will let the Lord guide this journey.  I submit to you to follow your heart and trust God all the way.   I believe implementing something that will make you a happier person is a way to honor your husband's love for you and his desire for your happiness.  Honoring our husband's does not always have to mean we are doing something for them, sometimes it means doing something for yourself.  How can you honor your husband with implementation today? 

By the way, please stay tuned for the questionnaire as I am still fine tuning it to keep it as short as possible.



 "Every beginning starts with an ending." William Bridges

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