Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 60 Honoring My Husband Through Rejoicing

Yeh! The taxes are done, we are both feeling better, not totally back to normal but certainly not in bed with fever and body aches; so today I am honoring my husband through rejoicing.  Rejoicing because, in the midst of our sickness we buckled down and got things done.  I am also honoring my husband through rejoicing because today is day 60.  Sixty days of honoring my husband, which also means 60 days of honoring God, by adhering to the assignment.

I mentioned on day 1 that it takes 50 days to develop a habit. You may be asking, is this now a habit for me?  Well the answer is I'm not sure.  I do know that it is definitely in the forefront of my mind on a daily basis and I am very conscious about it.  If I have thoughts that may not be what I believe the Lord would say are honorable of my husband, I quickly ask for forgiveness and change my thinking.  I believe I have developed the habit of consciousness about honoring my husband.  I would like to get to a place of being unconsciously competent where I do not have to think about it, it is just second nature.  I guess that's why the Lord gave me the assignment for 365 days and not 60, because I still have a ways to go.

In the meantime, I will continue to rejoice the 60 days of honoring my husband thus far by continuing to be conscious about my actions, thoughts and deeds as it refers to him and our marriage.

Wives of the world, in what ways do or can you honor your husband through rejoicing?  How do you rejoice in joint accomplishments?  How do you rejoice abaout your marriage?  In what ways can you honor your husband through rejoicing today?  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear and learn from you.


There, in the presence of the LORD your God, you and your families shall eat and shall rejoice in everything you have put your hand to, because the LORD your God has blessed you. Deut. 12:7

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