Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 181 Honoring My Husband's Leadership Skills

Today was quite the interesting day for me.  My schedule was full as usual from start to finish, however it was also filled with an interesting learning.  This morning I accompanied my husband to rent court.  We have a tenant that has not paid their rent so we had to file a claim against her to begin the proceedings to have her removed from the premises.  I was absolutely astonished at how many people were in rent court to explain why they had not paid their rent. 

I was also very impressed with how connected Bryan is with those that run the system.  When we arrived in court all the seats were pretty much full so we stood in the back of the court room.  It was about 9:00 in the morning and I had to be somewhere by 10:00.  I could not see how in the world I was going to make it without leaving him and later returning to pick him up.  He had shared with me that he had connections and promised we would be in and out in no time.  I watched as he signaled the court clerk and as he promised we were called within 10 minutes of the proceedings starting.  I truly had to take pause and acknowledge his ability to build effective relationships.

My work is about teaching others how to be great leaders.  One of the concepts I teach is about being an Authentic Leader which includes the concept of building healthy effective relationships because it is the only way things get done.  Today I am honoring my husband's leadership skills.  I have seen him in action before but this took things to entirely new level for me.  I really understood his effectiveness.  I heard the court clerk mention that they had over 100 cases that morning and yet we were close to the last to arrive and one of the first three to leave.  Absolutely incredible is all I could say.  I was so proud of him in that moment.  I then began to think I should probably have him help me teach the concepts about building effective relationships and the benefits that they bring since he is a walking example.

Wives of the world in what ways can you or do you honor your husband's leadership skills?  How have you seen him in action that has demonstrated to you that he is a good leader?  Have you shared your thoughts with him?  If not, honor your husband today by letting him know how proud you are of his leadership skills in whatever area they show up for you.  Please share your stories with us; we would love to hear from you.



"Leadership is action not position."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honoring your husband's leadership skill is a good thing every lady should try. Similarly, loving and treating others with respect is superior. As I read your post for today, I can't help but ask: Did it ever occur to you how the people who were there before you and your husband felt when they saw you being served before them? Did either you or your husband pause to reflect on the feelings of the others or you were thinking it is all about you and so because you have connections you can do whatever you like and disregard others. To honor your husband's leadership, I was expecting you to call him to order that jumping cue is not the right thing to do. For in the end what counts most is not how comfortable you are but rather how comfortable you made others too. The world needs people with empathy and not a bunch of selfish and disrespectful couples. Sorry, Rochelle, if I sound a bit annoyed. I love and enjoy your posts and I think you can do we your readers a lot of good by showing love to the poor and respecting the rights of others. This post makes me disappointed in you for now.