Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 15 - Honoring My Husband Through Listening

When I started this blog, one of my goals was to be the change I wanted to see. I had no idea what God was going to do and how he was going to use me or change me as I go through this journey of honoring my husband.  However, I must say, it has greatly heightened my sensitivity of my interactions with my husband.  Bryan and I are very different in that he is more of a talker than I am.  He is typically the one talking and I am typically the one listening.  Although what I have recently come to learn is that my listening is not always listening. 

I can tell my husband missed me as much as I missed him while I was gone.  We usually talk on the phone several times throughout the day and was only able to talk once a day while I was abroad.  Today as I acclimate myself back into the groove of home life, I found myself only partially listening to my husband and missed some of what he was trying to say.  The Lord quickly convicted me and asked "Why are you multi-tasking?" I immediately stopped what I was doing and listened with intent.

I once participated in a workshop that spoke about listening for the "GOLD" in a conversation.  I assigned an acronym to this calling it, God's Opportunity Leading to Destiny.  Whether the destiny is mine or the other persons, when we listen with intent and for the gold of the message, we learn more by hearing the story behind the story.  Today I honor my husband through listening by listening for the GOLD in all he has to say.  I honor him by listening for the message behind the message, by listening for another level of understanding, listening for how I can provide what's needed and listening for the love that's being delivered. 

Wives of the world how do you or can you honor your husband through listening?  Do you listen to him intently every time he speaks or are you multi-tasking and missing God's opportunity to lead to destiny?  Please share in what ways you can honor your husband through listening.


"To answer before listening that is folly and shame"  Prov .18:13
We want to hear from you, please click on comments below to share your story.


Rochelle said...

One of my exercise members sent this email and I just had to share, with her permission of course.

Dear Rochelle,

I have no problem sharing this! I am just taking in the amazing circle of Love that God weaves for us. For many reasons that I won't go in to here, I have been praying to God for my marriage and husband for the almost 44 years of our marriage, searching thru the Bible passages and committing to heart those Words from God that seem best to put to prayer and to daily practice. God has in His Wisdom helped open my ears and eyes and thoughts to a deeper understanding of the role of wives over all these years, so that I can help women who struggle with such passages as the one asking women to submit to their husbands.

Also, for the past month, as I listen to the Christian radio station, WDAC 94.5, I have tuned in to several different programs featuring speakers [both men and women] and dialogue with women testifying to how God has opened their hearts and minds to His Love approach when honoring our wedding vows and our spouses. So when I read your mail, I was just so uplifted and Thank and Praise God that He has chosen to work thru you, and I pray that your blog will reach many women.

There is no doubt that God loves us; that He wants what is best for us; that he planned the family unit for a reason and wanted it to be a strong unit that would help grow up the next generations of His children. I have seen since at least 1960's the sad decline in attitude towards the sacred union of "man and woman" , and the ease at which divorce is granted. I could go on and on, as my mother married my dad twice, and I have two step-mom's, one who just up and left and divorced dad when caring for all of us become "too much" for her; and the other is still my dedicated surrogate mom, since my dad died. May God shower blessings on you -- your family -- and all that you do. With love, your sister in Christ, Rhea

Unknown said...

Wow! Honoring My Husband Through Listening!!! That's a BIGGY for me, the Queen of Multi-tasking! Even my husband chides me about my listening skills! I really like and appreciate, Rochelle, your acronym for listening for the GOLD in a conversation. God's Opportunity Leading to Destiny. I so like that! Hopefully, I will remember the GOLD in listening to Clarence more. As an HR Recruiter, I have embraced the thought that when I interview, I must LISTEN for what the candidate says, and WHAT THEY DON'T SAY. That's the rub: the message BEHIND the message. I will commit to Honoring My Husband Through Listening. I'm sure I'll learn a great deal!

Sherry Bias said...

I honored my husband by Listening to God! There was a time when my husband worked a lot, he would get off, come home hit the shower then hit the bed, he’d wake up the next morning and do it all over again. Although I knew he was only trying to be a good provider, I began to feel neglected. So I prayed and the Lord told me NOT to confront my husband, He {GOD} said that He was using my relationship with my husband to reflect the relationship that I had with Him {GOD}, the reason I was feeling neglected is because God was feeling neglected by Me! ( I hadn’t been in HIS presence for a while), the times when I felt like I couldn’t trust my husband, God couldn’t trust Me! (I hadn’t obeyed His last command) and the times when I was happy with my husband, I knew that God was pleased with Me! The Lord told me that He created/ordained marriage to be a reflection of our relationship with Him, He said that whatever we invest/sow into our relationship with Him, we will reap in our relationships on earth!!
(I found out that this can even apply to the relationship we have with our children! The way we relate to God as our Father has a lot to do with how our children relate to us as parents!)
May God continue you to bless you all!
Rochelle, thank you for your obedience!!

Rochelle said...

Hi Sherry, thanks so much for sharing your story. You are so correct, how we treat our husbands and how we show up in other relationships is a direct reflection of our relationship with God. So if we are feeling there is opportunity to grow in our relationship, look for how we need to grow in that area with God. Thanks so much. Rochelle