Welcome to my Blog

I Will Honor My Husband blog site began as a wife's journey to love, honor and cherish her husband everyday for one full year in 2011. The experience was so awesome that I am continuing the journey. As the Lord guides me I will continue to post about how I am honoring my husband on at least a weekly basis. This blog is for me and other wives to learn how to be more intentional in demonstrating our love, honor and respect for our husbands in a way that matters to them most. Last year it was a challenge and a goal to make it a habit, this year I hope to realize the habit as a way of life. I welcome, encourage and invite you to - Join the Movement! and let the world know you honor your husband.

My prayer is that marriages and lives will be changed across the globe by the expression of "One Year of Love". Please send me a picture of you and your husband so the world will know you have joined the movement.


"The Lord, your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and all your soul." Deut. 13:3

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 32 - Honoring My Husband Through Appreciation

Today I am honoring my husband through appreciation.  After working all day and dealing with all the challenges of his work environment he ended his day by spending the evening with hundreds of men celebrating Christ.  He did this because he wanted to ensure that he got the full value of the tickets I purchased for the New Psalmist Men's Conference.  I know he was probably tired and wanted to get refreshed before going to the event, but he chose to go directly so he would not be too late and he picked up my nephew on the way.  Some would say that he had no choice but to go because I purchased the tickets, however I know everyone always has a choice and he could have chosen not to go.

I am honoring my husband through appreciation because I know he could have easily decided to head home and get the rest he needed.  I am honoring him through appreciation because he cared enough to ensure my gift would not be taken for granted and because he pushed himself to make it happen.  I was so glad to hear that he enjoyed it and was looking forward to the next day's events.  I was sure to say thank you and share my appreciation.

Wives of the world, how do you honor your husband through appreciation when he chooses to do something in spite of his exhaustion and he could have chosen otherwise?  How do you or can you express appreciation for your husband for the small big things that he does?  Please share your story so we can all learn more great ways to honor our husbands through appreciation.


“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” ~ Voltaire

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Rochelle I was thinking about this the other day and wanted to share this with you. I wanted to tell you that I truly believe that this marriage blog is your calling. God is really doing something big inside of you and allowing you to share it with the world. I’m amazed how you are able to write something fresh and new every single day. Think about all the women we know married or single that really don’t understand the dynamics of what it takes to be married. I personally know women that have issues with submission, trust and communication and if not monitored these things can kill a marriage. From my end your blog is really helping me better understand some of what’s going to be required to have a successful marriage. I’ve always done a lot of reading on relationships and marriage and I guess that’s the hopeless romantic that lives deeps inside of me. And I can say is that when I read your blog it validates something that I’ve always known. It takes two people to build a solid marriage however a woman is really the cornerstone of keeping that marriage solid and successful. This is not to release men of their God given responsibilities but it shows me that as women we have a lot of work to do. It’s cool though.

Michelle C.