My dear husband, in his most supportive way, has let me know that although he believes in me and the work I have to offer, he does not believe in the integrity of Pastors and their willingness to pay for services provided. We have gone back and forth about the viability of my business and he tries as hard as he can to be supportive. In his business he has been burned on more than a few occasions by churches or Pastor's not keeping their word, he has not been paid for his services and in his past he was a Trustee and had a bad experience that caused him to move to another church. So needless to say his struggle is not just because, but because he has history to support his beliefs.
I am honoring him today with determination because I know through my business he will begin to change his heart as I experience success. I am honoring him through determination because I am determined to show him a different side of the church and that there are churches and Pastors that are of the highest integrity. I am honoring him through determination because I know the power of the Lord and I am convinced more and more that as he continues to change me through this process, he will also be changing those around me, mainly my husband.
Wives of the world, in what ways do you honor your husband through determination? How do you increase your level of determination to show him something of the Lord or to change his heart in an area of challenge? Please share your story with use.
Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.
Tommy Lasorda
Tommy Lasorda
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